Ms. Cathee from the Deaf Literacy Center will teach you how to sign with your child. This fun and interactive signing class teaches you how to include signs naturally while interacting with your child through daily routines, playtime, story time and music.
Reserve 45 minutes with a library staff member to learn how to use Microsoft Word, library databases, e-readers, tablets, and e-mail. Reservations are limited to 45 minutes per person per day.
Have hands-on fun featuring sensory stations and themed activities for ages 6 and younger.
Feb. 6 - Experiment in our mini science lab.
Feb. 20- Sorting and matching fun.
Reserve 45 minutes with a library staff member to learn how to use Microsoft Word, library databases, e-readers, tablets, and e-mail. Reservations are limited to 45 minutes per person per day.
Reserve 45 minutes with a library staff member to learn how to use Microsoft Word, library databases, e-readers, tablets, and e-mail. Reservations are limited to 45 minutes per person per day.
Reserve 45 minutes with a library staff member to learn how to use Microsoft Word, library databases, e-readers, tablets, and e-mail. Reservations are limited to 45 minutes per person per day.
Your child will be utilizing creativity and problem-solving techniques as they choose from our three available options. High school students will offer homework help in math, science, and reading. Children will draw on their imagination in choosing a make-and-take scrap craft workshop, as well as inventing new structures in the block play zone. Watch for special Mad Science registration workshops.
Always wanted to join a book club, but never made the time? If you want to read well-crafted, contemporary, literary works and discuss them with interested readers, then this book club is for you!
For Februray, Kid's Crafternoon will become your Valentine creation station! Come and make sweet celebrations of love for your family, friends, classmates, and any other sweethearts in your life. Recommended ages 6 and up.
Local artist Shawn Dell Joyce will help you create your own one-of-a-kind piece of art while relaxing and having fun! All skill levels welcome; all supplies provided. The program is free but space is limited so registration is required.
Ages 16+ This program is designed and intended for patrons ages 16 and above. Programs requiring registration may limit participation to those patrons who meet the age requirement.
Please arrive on time. Late arrivals may be restricted from participating and registered spots may be given to someone on the waiting list. Repeated late arrivals and a repeated failure to notify staff of cancellation in advance may result in a restriction from participating in future programs.
View agendas and stream meetings here:
The Tampa Bay Ukulele Society will be holding a variety of workshops on how to play the ukulele for beginners, advanced beginners, and for those that just want to jam. A fun program for adult, teens, and families.