Master Learners at SPC Clearwater

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Meeting/Event Purpose

Master Learners at SPC-Clearwater is a welcoming forum of like-minded, active adults in the post-employment phase of their lives who come together to present and attend lectures, quality films, musical events, and enjoy the camaraderie of each other. Events are free!  For more info, please contact:


Margaret Golay presents, Walt Whitman, The Deeply Emotional Poet Becomes Civil War Caregiver

Margaret will explore the transformation of Walt Whitman as he brings the reader to the fields and hospital beds of the Civil War where the wounded lay near death. His distaste for war turns to a deep compassion for the soldiers he cared for. Whitman’s “The Wound Dresser” and “Vigil Strange” bring to the reader detailed factual and graphic observations of the gravely wounded soldiers. His emotional writings of the time contributed to important changes in wound care. His observations also served to tell the reader the true cost of war in human suffering.