One-on-One Tech Help

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Program Type:

Technology Training

Age Group:

Registration for this event will be open from July 28, 2025 @ 12:45pm to August 27, 2025 @ 12:45pm.
Contact a staff member to register for this event.

Program Description

Program Description

One-on-one help with basic computer skills and troubleshooting, Overdrive/Libby, email basics, social media, office productivity software (e.g., Word, Excel) Kindles, tablets, smartphones and laptops. 45 minute appointment time does not allow for comprehensive instruction or complicated troubleshooting issues. The library is not responsible for damage to computers/software or patron-owned devices. Please have log-in and password information for your device handy when you come to the appointment. 

Due to high popularity, the library can only offer one session per person every month. Please call the Clearwater East Community Library @ SPC at (727) 562-4970, option 4, to register an appointment with our librarians.  If sessions are not booked walk-ins are welcome.


Please arrive on time. Late arrivals may be restricted from participating and registered spots may be given to someone on the waiting list. Repeated late arrivals and a repeated failure to notify staff of cancellation in advance may result in a restriction from participating in future programs.

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